The faults in an air mattress could be of various types. It could either be torn, leaking, or sagging. Depending on what is wrong with it, this article gives you ways to fix it. And, believe us when we say that the repair is very much possible at home.
An air mattress, especially a new one, is filled with air that makes it light, bouncy, and comfortable. However, prolonged use and wear and tear can subject them to sagging, tears, and leakages. A sagging mattress might cause back pain and deprive you of the much-needed sleep, thus defeating its purpose. A quick repair can help you regain the lost comfort. Instead of asking for professional help and shelling out big bucks for what could be a trivial problem, you could use these tips to fix it yourself and save yourself some cash. Not to mention, since it belongs to you, you would probably repair it in a much better way than the professionals would.
Before repairing an air mattress you need to figure out the nature and intensity of the damage. Follow the steps enlisted below to detect leaks or tears in it.
- First, inflate the air mattress to the desired capacity and close all the plugs and seals in the mattress.
- Feel the leak with your hand. If the mattress has developed a leak, you will feel a surge of air passing out from the hole. If you bring your ear close to the mattress you will be able to hear a hissing sound of the air.
- Now spread a mixture of dish water detergent all over the mattress with a cloth and insert the mattress into water. Air bubbles will be formed where a leak has developed.
Once you have detected the leaks, you can start the repair process. A leaking mattress sags very quickly. The sagging could also be a result of loose air plugs. Even the best of brands wear and tear after a certain period of time. You can choose one of the following repair options depending upon the problem you’ve detected.
Repairing a Leak
- You will require a tape, patch, and a liquid sealer.
- Mark the leaking holes with a tape so that you can locate them after deflating the mattress.
- Deflate the mattress completely and then coat it with the sealer. Allow it to dry for five minutes before applying the second coat.
- After applying a double coat, glue the patch over the leak. Cut the patches in the shape of a circle and paste them over the leaks.
- Let the patch fix to the mattress and then run a tape over the patch to make it firmer. Inflate the mattress once the leaks have been repaired.
Repairing a Tear
- You will require bonding material or liquid sealer and a patch or tape.
- Boil half quart of water along with the bonding material placed inside it for three minutes. The repairing zone should be neat and moisture-free.
- Now lay the mattress on the floor and open the valve. This is to ensure that the mattress is completely deflated before repairing the tear. Then cut a half inch patch through the mattress from beyond the hole. This will remove the water droplets that are stuck inside the hole.
- Take the bonding material out of the water and put a drop on the hole of the mattress. Cover the hole with the patch and then glue it with the bonding material. Ensure that the torn portion is completely covered with the patch.
- Cover the patch with a plastic bag and then place a pan of hot water on the patch for allowing proper adherence. Leave it on overnight to ensure that the tear has been sealed. The mattress is now ready to be inflated.
Repairing a Sag
- First, get a box spring and an air support system from the departmental store. The air support system will help in inflating the mattress.
- Start inflating the mattress with the air support system. Inflate the saggy part more than the rest of the mattress. This way you can inflate it uniformly.
- Inflate till the recommended level. This way your mattress will regain its form.
Getting a Good Air Mattress Repair Kit
Many kinds of repair kits can be bought from departmental stores. Opt for a kit that suits your needs and requirements. You can go for a brand that will suit the quality of your air mattress. From the reviews of air mattress the following list of kits have the best customer ratings. Take a quick look.
- Pure Comfort 8506AB Full Size Flock Top
- Academy Broadway Corp Inflatable Repair Kit
- Coleman Double-High Flocked Air Bed
- Coghlans Rubber Repair Kit
- Sevylor Air Seal – U051 / AS1
- Aerobed Water Air Bed Mattress Repair Tear Aid Patch
- Coghlans® Air Stop
- Texsport Comfort Quest Flocked Air Mattress
- Intex Supreme Air-Flow Queen Airbed Nylon Flocked
Make sure you get it repaired immediately to avoid any kind of the discomfort while lying on it. Get professional help if the snag persists.