A routine bathroom cleanup is a must to keep it squeaky clean at all times. Bathroom cleaning checklist provided in this article should help you in scheduling the various cleaning tasks.
‘Cleaning a bathroom’ features in the ‘jobs-to-avoid’ lists of every family member. Nobody wishes to slog off in a dirty bathroom, while there are so many other interesting ways of spending time. But, somebody has to do the dirty job no matter how much they hate it, and if this ‘somebody’ happens to be you, then let me assure you that bathroom cleaning is not half as bad as it sounds. It can be a rewarding experience to see the super gleaming bathroom vanities and tiles after you have cleaned them. You feel like all your efforts have paid off. (I know it’s a pathetic attempt to make a boring job look interesting, but then you gotta do it anyway!). So, to make this repulsive job endearing, we have presented a checklist of various bathroom cleaning tasks that a household has to perform as a routine.
Daily Cleaning Chores
You cannot simply make a bathroom spotless and gleaming once a month and then forget about it altogether. You need some daily scrubbing, wiping to keep it in an excellent condition all the time. Following are some of the tasks that need to be undertaken on a daily basis.
Wipe bathtub, sink, faucet and fixtures in the bathroom.
Clean the toilet bowl, seat, rim, base and lid with a disinfectant and brush.
Pick dirty laundry off the floor and put it in a laundry basket.
Replace the towels, hand towels in the bathroom and wash the used ones.
Put the rubber bathroom mat for drying.
Wipe any recent stains or spillage so that no permanent marks are left.
Clean the mirror.
Empty waste bin.
Weekly Cleaning Chores
If you are thorough with your daily cleaning checklist, then your weekly cleaning task can lighten considerably. However, there are certain chores that need to be done on a weekly basis only. A few of them include –
Empty laundry basket.
Pour vinegar in the drains to unclog it.
Remove long hair from drains to prevent them from clogging.
Clean the shower curtains and stalls.
Scrub the bathtub, toilet with a detergent and disinfectant.
Polish the faucets by scrubbing them.
Check the supplies in the bathroom such as soaps, shampoos, hand wash, toilet roll, etc.
Clean the floors and tiles. Use a strong bathroom cleaner to clean grout.
Wash the stainless steel accessories in bathroom such as toothbrush holders, tumblers, etc.
Wipe bathroom vanities and organize cabinets.
Refill potpourri, fresheners, etc.
Monthly Cleaning Chores
You can distribute the monthly cleaning tasks over a period of days. If you have only a fewer daily tasks to do, you can finish up a chore from your monthly checklist, which is as follows.
Clean the difficult to reach areas of toilet such as U-bends, area around the fixtures and bathtub, etc.
Wipe the ceiling.
Check for mold or mildew growth and take necessary remediation measures.
Check the cabinets for empty bottles, expired products, etc., and replace them.
Wash the trash can.
Clean window panes.
Vacuum air conditioning vents, heating vents, etc.
Take up maintenance work, if any.
You can click to download this cleaning chores checklist.
If you have more than one bathrooms to clean, you can alternate between the tasks. Besides, it would be great if you could get some help. School going children can take care of most of the above mentioned tasks. Just do not involve them with strong cleaners or bleaches. If kids are made to clean the bathroom, they will think twice before making it messy. This will reduce your overall cleaning efforts. Thus, you may have to take up certain cleaning tasks less frequently.
Instead of accomplishing weekly and monthly cleaning tasks on a single day, it is recommended that you distribute them over a span of days. You will only exhaust yourself, if you attempt to do everything in a day’s time.