Getting rid of fleas in the house is not a big task, but you need to do some things for a few days to ensure best results. Methods mentioned in this article will help you get rid of these tiny critters from your house and pets.
Fleas are tiny wingless insects that are commonly present in our houses and on our pets’ bodies. While the blood of mammals is what the adult fleas feed on, their young ones feed on the digested blood in the form of feces of the adult fleas, feathers, bits of our dead skin, and other organic debris. There are different types of fleas. Amongst these, the cat fleas are commonly found on cats, dogs, and humans more than the dog and human fleas. The human flea usually feeds on the blood of humans and pigs. These might be present almost everywhere in our house and on the pets’ bodies. Getting rid of fleas in the house is not easy. You have to start this procedure as soon as you find the first one, if you don’t want an uncontrolled infestation in your home.
- Start the procedure of getting rid of these insects from your bedding, rugs, cushion, sofa covers, etc. You must wash all these in a strong detergent solution. This will help destroy the fleas and their eggs. Remember to be careful while picking these items so that you do not spill the eggs. Slowly pick them up without dusting, and directly put them into the soapy water solution. Leave it for an hour and wash to get rid of the fleas and eggs.
- If your carpet is washable, then the procedure of getting rid of these insects from the carpet is same as above. If it is not washable, then vacuum your carpet thoroughly. Remember that vacuuming it once will not get rid of fleas. You have to do this everyday, for a few days. Do not stop at vacuuming just the carpet; vacuum your entire house, pet’s resting area, area below the furniture, in the cracks, in the small gaps of the upholstery, in the open cabinets, etc. Repeat this procedure for a few days and don’t forget to discard the vacuum bags.
- Using borax powder is a great way of getting rid of fleas naturally. You must sprinkle this powder over the carpet and brush it thoroughly so that it spreads and gets in small gaps of the carpet. Leave it as it is for 2-3 days and then vacuum the carpet as well as the area where you had kept it.
- You can opt for some topical medication to get rid of fleas on your pet. There are a number of products available to treat fleas on dogs, cats, and other pets. Remember that the procedure of treating fleas on pets and house has to be done together. You can give your pet a bath with a shampoo that is especially designed for flea control and use a flea comb to keep a watch on the fleas present on its body.
- Another way of getting rid of fleas naturally is by using table salt. Sprinkle some salt over your carpet, mats, area around the furniture, pet’s resting area, door and window panes, etc. Leave it for a day and vacuum the next day. You need to do this procedure for a few days to ensure that fleas are completely out.
- There are a variety of sprays available in the market which you can use for getting rid of fleas. You can opt for the ones containing pesticide or insect growth regulator. These sprays reach the smallest corners, some of them help kill the adult fleas while some are for the eggs and larvae.
Getting rid of fleas in the house is not a one-day process, you need to continue the remedies for a few days. Also, once you get rid of them completely, follow a proper house cleaning regime once in ten days to keep your house and pets flea free.