Honey do lists are very useful for spouses who find difficulty in managing their households. Read the following HomeQuicks article to know more.
The concept of a honey do list is rather interesting. You will come across such lists in many households where husbands and wives barely get time to carry out activities apart from their official work. Even if you remember the task, you cannot afford to do it due to paucity of time. Keeping such a list with you will save your time on pondering on the unfulfilled duties and your capability to keep things in mind is also enhanced. Setting a time for carrying out specific tasks helps maintaining a balance between your professional and personal life.
Template: Weekly Basis
You can make a handmade dairy and list down the works that are supposed to be done on specific days of a week. If you are dividing the work among both of you on a weekly basis, then there’s no need of jotting down the activities that you have to do everyday. Cooking, washing utensils, ironing clothes, tutoring children, cleaning rooms, etc can be done on an alternate basis and should be equally shared between both of you.
Sample | |
Sun |
Mon |
Tue |
Wed |
Thur |
Fri |
Sat |
Template: Daily Basis
You can divide the work based on duration of the day and then implement the activities that are supposed to be done in that specific time. You should include every insignificant activities so that you never fail to do it. The household jobs when shared between spouses creates a very lively ambiance inside and children also learn to take responsibility right from tender age.
Sample | |
Morning |
Evening |
Bedtime |
This concept immensely helps in establishing an amicable relationship between spouses. Valuing each others responsibilities and duties is important for a relationship to last long.