Kudzu bugs are a very recent phenomenon in the United States of America. Hence, there is very little research done about how to control these pests. Nevertheless, here are a few tips that you can use to prevent kudzu infestation in your home.
Scientifically called Megacopta cribraria, kudzu bugs were first found in the northeastern part of the state of Georgia, in the year 2009.
The kudzu bug is a fairly new form of pest found in North America. This bug is also known by the names bean plataspid, kudzu beetle, globular stink bug, or lablab bug. It has a shield to protect itself, and is known to be native to China and India. This little bug is mostly attracted to white surfaces, such as walls, floors, and vehicles. Additionally, it is also famous for eating up lablab beans and other legumes.
These bugs are more often than not found in clusters, and are known to release a distinct foul odor when poked or squashed. As of now, the bugs are believed to be harmless to humans and houseplants. However, they need to be controlled for hygiene purposes. These little bugs have been a serious threat for soybean farmers, as they suck the juice from the plant’s stem, and thus, render a loss of yield.
Ways to Control Kudzu Bugs
These bugs are a problem for homes and farms, especially in the spring and fall. Those living near soybean farms must have experienced kudzu infestation. So, here are a few ways in which you can deal with this menace.
- Seal the gaps in all your windows and doors, to prevent these bugs from getting inside your home.
- Inspect your building, house walls, windows, and doors for cracks. These are the areas from where these bugs can enter.
- Vacuum cleaning is the best way of removing these bugs from your home. Once these tiny irritants are collected in the bag, you can either freeze them, drop them in soapy water, or place them in extreme heat.
- You can even get pest control done for your home to keep these bugs away. Kudzus are also attracted to spaces where large number of insects congregate. So, if the pest control is effective in keeping other insects away, it might avert the possibility of kudzus gathering too.
- As these bugs are great fliers, they can find new locations the moment they are removed from one place. Thus, talk to your neighbors, and find out whether they too have a kudzu infestation. Collectively getting rid of these bugs can seriously help in controlling them.
- Also, make sure you caulk incoming pipes and cables in your house.
- Insecticides are a good option to kill these bugs. However, one has to be very careful while using insecticides. Generally, domestic cleaning agents contain pyrethroid insecticides like permethrin, bifenthrin, or lambda-cyhalothrin. Using a powder and water solution can give you better results as compared to other methods. However, this may require proper understanding of products, and mixing them accurately for the desired results. There are some insecticides which are already available in the market. While using sprays, make sure you keep shaking the bottle so that the chemical settled at the bottom gets properly mixed with the entire solution.
Very little is known about the kudzu bug. Thus, even lesser information is available about how to control kudzu bug infestation. Do not squash these bugs or kill them with your bare hands, as they are known to release a yellow substance which can cause inflammation and welts, besides letting out a foul odor. The best way of dealing with these bugs is to seal the openings in your home during winter, which is when they relocate for overwintering.