Installing a new bathroom faucet should be a straightforward project. If your sink has only one hole, make sure the mounting holes on your new faucet match those already present before purchasing.
First, switch off the water supply valves beneath your sink with a basin wrench or adjustable wrench, and loosen any old faucet nuts.
Remove the Faucet
First, turn off the water supply valves under your sink. Be sure to have a bucket or container ready in case any of the water escapes when disconnecting lines, and loosen the nut holding your old faucet in place with an adjustable wrench.
Your next task should be to disassemble the handle and spout. To do this, unscrew its mounting nuts before pulling up on it using a wrench if necessary. When the water line has been disconnected from the spout, take steps to disconnect its escutcheon ring; usually hidden under a cap or somewhere on its lower portion of the spout this should come off easily enough.
Remove the Water Lines
Before removing an old faucet, first make sure the water valve is completely shut off. Clear your cabinet and lay a towel to absorb any dripping water. Unfasten supply line using crescent wrench starting at top and moving downward until complete removal occurs. Unbolt old washer/gasket combo while cleaning any excess putty before installing new one and screw back onto valve, tightening by hand as soon as you reattach new line back onto it.
Vises grips will come in handy here to unscrew large plastic nuts that hold the lines together, as well as to wiggle copper pipes around valves to loosen them further. Your new faucet should provide instructions with step-by-step guidelines to assist with this process.
Install the New Faucet
Installation of a new faucet should be straightforward if you possess knowledge and tools required for plumbing tasks. Once water supply valves have been shut off, remove and connect your old and new faucets as instructed by your specific kit’s instructions. Observe any warnings provided with it so as to ensure correct positioning and attachment of everything involved.
Step 4a: Before unscrewing the P-trap, place a bucket underneath to catch any of the water that may escape when unscrewing it. Locate and loosen the old faucet’s slip nut from its drain assembly using WD-40; this may take some effort.
Remove the faucet’s nuts located beneath your sink near its water supply line connections and unscrew them before unplugging it from its sockets. After disconnecting, take care to carefully unhook and set aside.
Install the Water Supply Lines
At the time of installation, it’s advisable to change out both of your faucet’s water supply lines simultaneously in order to ensure compatibility between new hoses and your home’s plumbing system without leaks or other complications.
First, ensure the shut-off valves underneath your sink are shut. In addition, disconnect any p-traps.
Screw short braided supply lines to the hot and cold valves as well as the spout tees using short screws; first using finger tightening, and then with an adjustable wrench add a half turn for better seal. Use Teflon tape on any threaded sections of inlet shanks that connect hot and cold lines; use Teflon tape as needed on threaded portions to prevent leaks; also, try not to tighten all your nuts too tightly – some looseness provides better sealing.
Install the P-Trap
New faucets usually include all the parts necessary for installation, including water supply lines and p-trap. You’ll still have to add these elements yourself, however.
To do this, shut off both hot and cold water supply valves under your sink. Next, using an adjustable wrench remove the nut that secures the old faucet to its water line.
When disconnecting lines, place a bucket under the trap to prevent any water or debris from leaking out as you disconnect them. Also keep another nearby for any drainage from new faucet installation as you set about installing it. Reconnect all water supply lines. Retest for leaks after reconnecting all valves before turning them back on; be sure to replace aeratorss before testing your new faucet for use!