Re-siding projects are a fantastic way to transform the look and feel of your home while adding curb appeal.
Fiber cement siding is a long-term protection against weather extremes and pests such as carpenter ants and termites, offering both weatherproofing and pest protection for any home.
Installing hardieplank siding correctly is essential to prolonging its lifespan and avoid damage and reduce costs. In this blog post we’ll cover how to replace hardieplanks for maximum effectiveness and longevity.
Removing the Damaged Boards
Before beginning repair of damage, you’ll first need to remove the damaged board. Be sure to inspect the area for signs of rotted wood and make any necessary repairs that might be required before taking this step.
To safely remove an old board, it is vital that you wear protective equipment like eye protection and a face mask. A pry bar or utility knife will also come in handy; once done, simply swap out with another new one!
Hire a professional to install Hardie Plank siding. Look for contractors trained and certified by James Hardie who can offer you superior service, such as those trained and certified to offer installation of their product. Their expertise should allow them to help select colors suitable for your existing home so that your siding stays looking its best for years. This will ensure its beauty remains unabated!
Filling Cracks
One telltale sign that your siding installation was subpar is large gaps between boards. Such gaps leave your substrate vulnerable to water infiltration and rot; to protect yourself, these should be filled in using caulk.
Combine a putty compound specifically designed for this task according to its packaging instructions, then spread the paste using a plastic putty knife into any cracks in your hardiplank siding. After applying it, sand away excess compound until the patched area blends with its surroundings.
Before beginning this task, be sure to clean the surface with soapy water and a sponge, as well as use caulk designed to stay permanently flexible. After drying has occurred, paint over it using your chosen color of paint; for optimal results use colors that complement existing siding.
Repairing Peeling Paint
Many homeowners may wonder when it’s the appropriate time to repaint their Hardie board siding, and when done right and evenly a new paint job should last years before starting to fade.
However, sometimes repainting isn’t enough to restore your home’s curb appeal. Over time, sunlight can cause exterior walls to oxidize, leaving behind chalky textures and faded hues that compromise curb appeal.
Keep your hardiplank siding as dry as possible to reduce oxidation. Doing this requires regularly washing its exterior with a power washer and using degreaser on gutters.
Repainting Hardie siding requires using high-quality paint. Be sure to prepare your surface by thoroughly rinsing and lightly sanding before beginning; touch-up paint matching the color of your Hardie plank siding may also be available at local home improvement stores; for a full repainting, consider replacing cracked caulking and repairing any holes as part of your preparations.
Replacing Broken Boards
James Hardie board siding is very durable and can withstand moisture and rain; however, it can become vulnerable to cracking or chipping over time. When large chunks break off they should be replaced immediately to prevent further damage; good-quality exterior caulking should always be used to seal cracks or holes and fill any other possible leaks or gaps.
Note that when using hardie planks, only use screws or nails designed specifically for them – regular nails could cause cracking or breaking.
If your hardie plank has become damaged, carefully unpry it from its underlying row by pry bar or hammer and chisel. Once removed, replace with one that fits securely against its neighbors while also applying caulking again to keep moisture out.