Hardieplank siding is a long, horizontal lap siding composed of fiber cement. The primary ingredients include cellulose fibers, Portland cement and sand.
Hardie plank siding is designed for easy maintenance and long life expectancy; however, sometimes things go awry and require repair. If your damaged Hardie plank piece needs fixing in any of these ways:
Hardie Plank siding is widely acclaimed for its strength, but even it is vulnerable to wear and tear over time. Weather, water, fire, pests or the sun can damage it over time; luckily it’s easily repairable.
Cracked fiber cement plank surfaces are an increasingly common issue, which can usually be repaired using putty specifically made for fiber cement instead of wood. To do this successfully.
Blistering paint may indicate water leakage behind the siding, prompting further inspection and possible replacement. In such instances, further replacement could be necessary.
Caulking should also be applied when necessary in areas like penetrations, flashings, trim and plank joints – particularly around penetrations, flashings and trim-and-plank connections – especially as per James Hardie approved color-matched caulk will help prevent moisture entering into wall cavities.
Peeling paint
If a section of your Hardie Plank siding is peeling paint, a caulking product designed to work with fiber cement can easily repair it. Tub-shaped products allow for easier application using caulking guns.
As another indication of moisture intrusion and possible rot, mushroom growth on your siding sheathing could also indicate serious problems. When growing on sheathing it indicates moisture intrusion which could eventually lead to mold growth and cause irreparable damage.
One of the easiest ways to maintain fiber cement siding and trim is by cleaning it twice annually using a garden hose with nonmetal soft bristle brush to remove dirt from its surface. Be sure to follow James Hardie product recommendations, as improper care may void your warranty.
Severely damaged boards
HardiePlank siding is an excellent way for homeowners who wish to increase their home’s curb appeal to do just that. Combining performance of masonry with painted wood beauty, HardiePlank comes in a wide selection of colors and textures designed to complement any style.
Things can sometimes go awry during installation of siding. Contractors could lose track of where they nail their siding to each stud and hit only some, or not install the joint flashing correctly – a 6″ wide piece of weather resistant material installed behind each butt joint in the siding – correctly; or use cheaper building paper rather than investing in colour-matched metal slip sheets as recommended.
Contractors often fail to properly clear away dust from siding before cutting it, and this dust can adhere to ColorPlus paint and fade it over time. To avoid this issue, contractors should use dust-proof fiber cement tools like shears or guillotine.
HardiePlank is an innovative building material designed to keep your home protected against harsh weather conditions in your area, while simultaneously giving it a distinct appearance through new colors, textures, or accents.
Maintaining and installing James Hardie siding correctly will extend its useful life for years. To maintain optimal results, this means washing it twice annually and recoating every seven to ten years.
Installers should ensure the boards are securely attached to studs during installation; failing to do so could cause cracking of boards.
Minor cracks in the surface of boards can be repaired by applying putty directly over them, then sanding and painting to match the color scheme of other planks. For more severe damage, however, removal and replacement will likely be necessary.