Leather cleaners are not something that one really needs until there are stains on their precious sofa. Know more about the best leather cleaners for sofas in the upcoming HomeQuicks article.
Give Your Leather Sofa a Makeover!
Mix vinegar and linseed oil in a 1:2 proportion, shake it well, and then apply this mixture to your leather sofa with the help of a soft cloth. Rub the mixture in a circular manner, making sure you cover the entire surface. Allow the solution to sit for 10 minutes after which you polish it in order to get a shine. You may be required to polish it once more before you make use of the sofa.
There are times when you need to do some fast footwork to save your valuable leather sofa or couch. You can save it by applying leather cleaners on the permanent stains. A stitch in time can redeem it from becoming an eyesore and a topic of future conversations. In this article, we present to you reviews of some of the best products of leather cleaners formulated specifically for sofas that are available in the market and also some tips for keeping your sofa in a good condition.
Weiman Leather Wipes
These were designed to clean, condition, and protect leather of any quality. It contains six natural oils that rejuvenate, moisturize, and restore the leather. It also contains UVX-15 that protects your sofa from the damaging effects of the sun. These wipes are pre-moistened, and can be directly used on the sofa surface.
Leather CPR Cleaner and Conditioner
This is a product that cleans and conditions in one easy step. Simply wiping the leather surface with it cleans away all the dirt, grime, and stains. It also brings back the natural suppleness of the leather back due to its conditioning properties. This can be used on all the leather types safely and without any damaging effects. This happens to be the only product in the market that is dermatologically tested and proven not to irritate the skin.
Lexol Leather Care Kit
This product is a choice of professionals for protecting leather. It is pH-balanced to match the pH of your leather, and it helps restore the resilience of older or neglected leather that is now hard and stiff. A single applicator sponge is also included in this kit. It has been designed to provide you with all that you need to keep your sofa looking its very best. It’s carefully designed to maintain the beauty and durability of all types of leather.
Tips for Cleaning
It is a good policy to always check the effectiveness of the leather cleaning products before using them. Test it by applying a small amount on the surface of the sofa in an inconspicuous place. This simple step also tells us about the damage, such as discoloration, that it can cause to the leather.
You may be lucky enough to notice the stain, such as a greasy chocolate smear or ink, before it is soaked into the leather. Using a clean cloth to soak the excess amount of the stain removal may limit the damage.
Take a clean and damp cloth that is soft to touch. Apply moisturizing milk-based body wash to the cloth. Start rubbing the leather sofa in a circular motion and applying gentle pressure. Concentrating your efforts on a small area of the sofa at a time will be beneficial. Rinse the cloth if it gets too soiled, and reapply the body wash. Wipe the area you worked on with a damp and clean cloth. Repeat the above procedure for the rest of the sofa.
In order to remove a stubborn stain, use a non-acetate-based nail polish remover. First, apply it to a clean cloth, and use this cloth to rub the stained area of the sofa by applying gentle pressure. Always rub gently so as to not leave a mark on the surface of the sofa.
Next, make a paste of OxiClean and apply it to the area under discussion using a soft and clean cloth. Make sure that you use circular motions and gentle pressure while applying the paste. Clean the surface of the sofa you worked on using a soft, damp cloth to wipe the stain remover paste.
Do not forget to buff the cleaned surface with the soft, clean, and dry cloth to restore the shine of the cleaned surface.
Make sure that the cleaner does not contain harsh chemicals, as it may damage the leather. It will be a good idea to stick to a water-based foam leather cleaner. Unfinished leather can be easily cleaned using a specially made saddle soap or leather soap.
Now, after reading this article, you will not have to worry about any stains on your precious sofa. You can just relax and enjoy the party you have hosted at your place, and clean it later without any hassles.