Replace the expensive commercial furniture polish, and instead, make your own lemon oil furniture polish as home. Find the necessary information in the HomeQuicks article that won’t break your budget.
Known as a powerful cleaning and polishing agent, lemon oil can easily restore the lost luster of your old furniture. Since store-bought cleaners are way too expensive, making the oil at home is the next best solution. Homemade cleaners are non-toxic, environment-friendly, and help you save a lot on your overall expenses. The citric scent of the oil will not only make your furniture shine and glow, it will also leave your home smelling fresh. Just a few drops of the oil, and you can forget about polishing them for at least a month.
Recipes to Make at Home
The following cleaners can be used on painted wood, fiberglass, glass shower doors, and plastic surfaces. But remember, don’t spray the cleaner directly on any surface; make sure you take a small amount on a clean cloth, and then use circular movements to work the cleaner in.
Lemon Juice + Jojoba Oil
In a bowl, combine 3 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice and a couple of drops of jojoba oil or linseed oil. With a spoon, stir the ingredients properly. Now take a clean, soft cotton towel and dip an end in the solution. Moving in circular motion, use this cloth to wipe the furniture; for wooden furniture, go in the same direction as the grain. Take another dry, clean towel and wipe the oil off the furniture.
Lemon Juice + Olive Oil
In a bowl, combine 2 parts olive oil and 1 part fresh lemon juice together. Give it a good stir and dip a soft, clean cotton towel in it. Moving in circular motion, use this cloth to wipe the furniture; for wooden furniture, go in the same direction as the grain. If there are any hard-to-reach surfaces, dip a soft-bristled toothbrush to get the job done. Take another dry, clean towel and wipe the oil off the furniture.
Lemon Juice + Olive Oil + White Vinegar
take a bowl to combine 3 parts olive oil, 1 part white wine vinegar, and 1 part fresh lemon juice. Stir the mixture properly and pour it in a clean spray bottle. Take a soft, clean cotton towel, spray a little bit of the lemon oil polish on the towel, and rub it in a circular motion over the furniture; for wooden furniture, go in the same direction as the grain. In the end, take a dry, clean towel and wipe the oil off the furniture.
Note: When you wipe the furniture with a clean towel, you are restoring the furniture’s original shine.
Now that you know how lemon oil is made, the task of cleaning and polishing your furniture will be a breeze. While cleaning wood furniture, remember not to use old cleaners; always make a fresh batch of cleaner, and utilize it in the same day. Also, don’t mix an old batch with the new; doing so may risk the original polish of your furniture.