In this HomeQuicks article, we tell you how you can remove blood from your oh-so-exquisite carpet and restore it to its past glory.
Composed of proteins and irons, blood stains are really very difficult to get rid of. On top of that, you cannot move a carpet like a piece of cloth and wash it normally. In all, removing blood from carpet can prove really tedious if you do not act instantaneously. So, here are some carpet stain removal tips to opt for during carpet emergencies.
How to Remove Blood Stains from Carpet?
Since carpet cleaning rates are on the higher side, try out these homemade solutions to remove blood from your precious carpet first.
- Pour some cold water directly taken from the tap onto the stained area and allow it to stand for 15 seconds. Now take a clean, dry piece of cotton cloth and press it onto the water-soaked blood stain. Remember to never use wiping strokes. Instead, keep dabbing the cloth on the stain. Repeat by soaking the area some more and then dab with dry cotton swabs or cloth again. Once the cloth has absorbed the stain to the maximum extent, use a blow dryer to dry out the area.
- If the blood is yours and is still wet, spit on it and dab dry. It does work at times.
- You can try the same procedure with some lemon-flavored artificially carbonated water containing quinine.
- You can also administer some oxidizing bleach which has been specially made for removing stains from carpets. Use it with discretion or you will ruin your carpet beyond repair.
- Another excellent homemade cleaning solution would be an admixture of some fizzy club soda and a little bit of cold water. Blot the stained area with this, and then soak up the stain with paper towels until all the blood has been absorbed.
- Blend cornmeal, cornstarch, and some talcum powder along with cold water and bring it to the consistency of a paste. Apply it on the fresh stain so that it covers the blot completely and leave it on for at least 30 minutes. Now dip a sponge into some chilled water and gently remove the paste and the blood stain with it.
- Place some salt onto the blood blot. Now make a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of 2:3 and dip a piece of cloth into it. Now dab the cloth over the salt-covered area. Finally, clean the stained region with a moistened towel.
- Another good way to remove blood from the carpet is to apply a paste made from cold water and laundry starch or simply some pre-wash laundry cleaner over the fresh stain, with your fingers or the back of a teaspoon, and then allow it to stand for a while. Then use some cold water and a sponge to clean the area. It is better to refrain from using a brush as bristles can damage a delicate carpet. Dry with a paper towel or a vacuum.
- Another home cleaning solution that will definitely do the trick is a solution of a cup of cold water and a tablespoon of household ammonia. Start by dabbing a sponge on the stain and soaking up as much blood as possible. Then pour the ammonia solution into a sprayer and squirt it onto the stained carpet area until it becomes soaking wet. Wait for 4 minutes and then pat the area dry with paper towels. Remember to cover your nose while performing this task. If you repeat this several times, it is potent enough to remove old blood stains as well.
- A teaspoon of any neutral (non-alkali and no bleach) detergent mixed in a cup of moderately warm water can be applied on the stain and blotted with a baby wipe. Next, a tablespoon of household ammonia mixed in a cup of water should be applied and then soaked up with absorbent paper napkins.
- To remove a blood stain from the carpet, you can also mix about 80% water to a cupful of glycerin and some dishwashing detergent. Squirt it onto the stained carpet area, and then use a dry cotton cloth to blot out the stain in orbitual motions. When the stain is gone, vacuum dry the carpet area.
- Chemical products like ‘Incredible’ and ‘Oxi Clean’ are also abundantly available in the markets that can serve this specific purpose. But check the components before buying such products, as they may prove to be damaging in some cases.
All these solutions should aid you in removing even a rather stubborn spot of blood from your carpet. Remember never to use hot water on the stain as it will only set the blood stain into the carpet. Remove the stain from the carpet within the first 18 to 24 hours as it becomes increasingly difficult to remove blood stains after that. Also, dry the area immediately from which you have just removed the stain as this will prevent any deeply embedded part of the stain to surface later. Do not use ammonia on woolen carpets ever.
Be careful about the carpet cleaning methods you employ, especially when cleaning blood. If you see that on drying there is a brown mark left behind, then you can use vinegar and water in 1:2 ratio and dab it with a dry cotton cloth. Personally, I believe that expensive oriental carpets made from silk and other delicate materials shouldn’t be played with and instead professional help must be sought. Don’t worry, once you follow these carpet cleaning tips, things will soon be spotlessly perfect again!