Springtail infestation can become a serious cause of concern for homeowners, particularly those who stay in areas having damp, moist weather. This HomeQuicks article gives you a few solutions to get rid of springtails.
Springtails like many other insects, cha-cha-cha their way to woo the love of their life. It involves male and females standing right opposite each other with their antennas touching, and performing a push-and-retreat step until a rhythm is established. The male will try to convince the female to be his mate, and if she agrees, he will deposit his sperm directly in front of her, and she will pick it up with her reproductive tract.
Collembolas, also known as springtails, are really tiny wingless insects that prefer moist conditions. The word collembola is derived from the Greek word colle, which means glue, and embolon which means peg. They are relatively small in size like 6 mm (0.24 in), and therefore, are barely noticeable. They get their name springtail due to a spring-like functioning of a structure called furcula, which is located on the underside of their abdomen. When the insect is threatened or disturbed, the furcula is released causing them to jump about 10 centimeters.
They prefer moist soil; most likely to be seen in flower beds, moist places, and, woodpiles. They feed on dead plant residue and fungi, they tend to lose water through the surface of their body, so if their habitat becomes dry, they search for a wetter place. They prefer humid areas that offer humidity, which include basements, bathrooms, and, kitchens. Over-watered plants can also become a home for springtails. They do not bite or sting people or animals; however thousands of jumping insects in a home can be distressing for the owners, as they reproduce very fast. They can be of varied colors from colorless to white to gray, to yellow, red, and green. As mentioned earlier, springtails are known to multiply very fast, and soon, acquire pest-like proportions. Hence, to get rid of them moisture control and fumigation of your surroundings is essential. Along with the usual methods of fumigation, here, we have also provided some natural ways to eliminate springtails.
Ways to Get Rid of Springtails
This remedy is helpful when you don’t have thousands of them lurking around your house. This simple mixture when applied to the infested area may drown them.
Due to its corrosive property, bleach is a stronger remedy than soap and water solution. Subsequently, it helps to eradicate large numbers. However, some people don’t like the pungent odor of bleach, which brings us to the next natural remedy.
The acidic content of vinegar can burn or kill these tiny insects, but if you are dealing with thousands, then you may have to acquire large quantities, because you need to pour vinegar several times before you actually see the results.
There are many insecticides available in the market that could eliminate these pests completely. Though I don’t personally vouch for them because of the fact that harmful chemicals may have to be sprayed inside the house, which might not be safe if for toddlers and pets. Another option is to use granules or sticky traps like Exempt G Granules and Ecosafe Sticky Glue Trap. Some popular insecticides for springtail elimination are Talstar One, Bifen IT, Tempo SC Ultra, etc.
This is the last option, you can hire an exterminator and fumigate the area. The insecticide used contains several powerful chemicals which may eliminate all the pests in your home or garden area.
Maintain a cool temperature inside your house, and use a dehumidifier in damp areas like basements to reduce moisture. Also, try to prevent mold and mildew from forming in and around the house.
Where to Look for Springtails
Inspect your kitchen, particularly under the sink, empty the cabinet and get your drainpipe checked, if there is a leak then mold or mildew may be present, which attracts springtails. Dry that area completely to get rid of them.
If they are present in your bathroom, check under the sink and the area behind the bathtub or jacuzzi to discover any leakage, there are chances that mildew may develop behind the tiles so get that checked too.
Check your walls for dampness waterproof them immediately. As mentioned earlier, a dehumidifier is of great help to get rid of excess moisture. Also make sure to clean the gutters and drains.
It is annoying when somebody else calls our home as their abode, especially if they are creepy looking jumping insects. Hope these methods help you to get rid of springtails efficiently.