Ultrasonic pest repellers are devices that make use of ultrasonic waves to get rid of common household pests. This HomeQuicks post reviews a few of these products.
Different electronic pest control devices are being introduced, thanks to the unprecedented growth in terms of resersch. In fact, the availability of different techniques has grown by leaps and bounds, and there are numerous companies that offer products and services for pest elimination and control.
An Overview
The concept of working of ultrasonic pest repeller is amazingly simple. These devices generate ultrasonic waves, that are not sensed by human beings but by insects, rodents, and other pests. Continuous exposure to these waves annoys pests, so say researchers and manufacturers of this technology. Challenging the claims of manufacturers of ultrasonic repeller devices is another group of scholars and researchers who say that the ultrasonic devices are not as handy as they’re propagated to be.
The most plausible argument given in opposition of ultrasonic devices effectiveness is that rats and insects become habitual to these sound frequencies after couple of days. Whatever be the claims, the idea of electronic repellers can’t be denied completely, as there are devices that have performed well. While the debate on effectiveness of these devices will always be an integral part of pest control market, let me introduce you to some of the most popular ultrasonic pest repeller products in the market.
Emerson Ultrasonic Pest Repeller: Model EM101
The Model EM101, listed with the Underwriters laboratories, of Emerson Ultrasonic Pest Repeller, has been popular for pest control. It is a small device, with a hard plastic case. With just an affordable price of US$14 (approximate), these devices emit sound waves of 27,000 frequency. It operates at 120 volt AC. People with heart pacemakers and others who use any medical devices must not be in the vicinity of these ultrasonic devices as they can be very harmful for their health. It’s placed at the top in the list of ultrasonic pest repellers.
Lentek Ultrasonic Pest Repeller
Lentek products have been in the market since 1992, and you can find satisfactory reviews of this product on the Internet. These pest control devices are manufactured in a wide range. Some are even effective in areas of 600 sq ft. or 1000 sq. ft. They come in a price range of US$24 to US$60.
PestContro Ultrasonic 500
Manufactured by Koolatron, one of the leading firms in electronic pest control technology, PestContro Ultrasonic 500 covers a range of 500 sq. ft. It’s effective in a room and to make it more efficient, the room can be filled with sound reflecting objects such as mirrors, cupboards, and appliances. It comes at the cost of US$24.
The prices mentioned here are approximate and may vary as per shipping and other factors.
One of the most important tips for people who’re trying to get rid of infestation in their homes or commercial places is that they must always try to take help from pest control companies. That is a one-time investment and professionals take adequate care to get the residence rid of any infestation.