Weeds compete for every drop of water, nutrient and sunlight available to them – it’s a dog eat dog world out there and keeping your lawn healthy can prevent further weed infestation.
Pre-emergent weed killers work by increasing soil acidity, killing any potential weed seeds that might germinate before their time comes. Be sure to follow all product instructions when using these solutions.
Chemical weed killers like 2,4-D and glyphosate contain persistent, bioaccumulative, toxic substances which damage the environment while being hazardous to people, pets and wildlife. Such substances have been linked with cancers as well as disrupting hormonal and immune systems in people. Furthermore, such products pollute water supplies while harming ecosystems containing fish, birds and insects – something most consumers would rather stay clear of!
Many weed and feed products do not accurately reflect your lawn’s specific needs, leading to overdose in certain areas and underdose in others. Windy conditions can also cause herbicide drift, which damages nearby plants. When applying using a spreader it’s easy to over apply products overly liberally, leading to double dosing and wasted product; all of this can be avoided through proper lawn care practices such as nontoxic pre-emergent weed controls.
Pesticides are chemicals used to kill or control unwanted organisms such as insects, rodents and weeds. Pesticides also include substances which alter expected plant growth rates by altering flowering or reproduction rates (plant growth regulators), as well as those which prompt it to drop leaves prematurely (defoliants).
Children and pets can be especially susceptible to the harmful effects of lawn chemicals. Pets spend most of their time low to the ground sniffing out and chewing grass while children may come into contact with chemical drift or touching plants that contain contamination.
Misusing pesticides can have disastrous results when applied improperly; runoff from fields into water supplies, pollute the air quality, harm wildlife and remain active for months to years; emitting toxic vapors which can be inhaled directly or come into contact with skin surfaces, releasing dangerous toxic vapors that may become toxic vapors and cause respiratory infections or skin contact dermatitis.
Weed killers such as 2,4-D can irritate skin when used directly, as well as be consumed by children or pets licking their paws after walking across a treated lawn, leading to either discomfort ingestion, organ and kidney damage, or even complete failure in some instances.
Systemic herbicides offer an effective means for eliminating weeds without harming surrounding grasses. Such an approach works by penetrating through and poisoning the roots of each weed individually – killing it without disrupting or harming adjacent areas of grass.
Avoid applying weed and feed fertilizers during midsummer as these can burn the grass. Instead, aerate the lawn and seed bare patches with new grass seeds for healthier grass that will choke out any unwanted weeds before they even sprout up! Thicker grasses will provide better coverage that may prevent their formation altogether.
Many traditional weed killers contain chemicals that are potentially toxic to pets, including their skin and paw pads, when walking through treated areas or foraging for food in treated yards. Furthermore, the chemicals could potentially enter the house through clothing and carpeting and further compromise furniture or carpeting.
If you use chemical lawn spray, make sure your pets and children stay away for 24 hours after application. Many pet-friendly or all-natural lawn care providers provide effective weed control options without using harmful chemicals like Roundup.
Pour boiling water directly over any unwanted weeds (taking care not to splash any desirable plants) to quickly kill them off. In larger problem areas, mulching regularly will help prevent their reappearance and curb their spread.
Weed killers may wash off in rainwater or run off into the environment and damage both plants and wildlife, including aquatic life in lakes, rivers and streams. Quick-release fertilizers found in many weed and feed products contribute to algae blooms which smother aquatic life; chemical 2,4-D (dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) found in many standard weed and feed products has also been implicated as contamination of salmon habitat.
Choose a nonselective or targeted herbicide when spraying lawns, as this will kill specific species of weeds without killing your grass. Broadcast spraying with a spreader ensures even coverage; for increased safety wear long pants and a long-sleeved shirt when applying spray; spray only on dry days to avoid drift. Wearing an apron may also help.