If you’re apartment hunting, then go through the apartment search checklist in this article. It may highlight some points that you may have overlooked.
Looking for the perfect apartment can be really tiring and even frustrating at times. One may have the right location but a leaking ceiling. Another may have a good ceiling but may be infested. Some may have proper heating but irregular water supply. At such times, you need a helping hand to get you through the ordeal of minutely checking each detail of your prospective apartment.
God forbid, you forget something really important and you move in to the apartment! There’s not much you can do in such a situation. This article will give you a checklist that will give you pointers on what to look for when searching for an apartment. It will ensure that you take care of every small little detail before you move in.
Terms & Conditions
This part of the checklist involves all the basic paperwork that you should take care of before moving in.
- Date of availability
- Rent
- Deposit
- Period of lease agreement for renting the house
- Date of payment of rent
- Late fine (in case of late payment of rent)
- Consequences of late/default in payment of rent
- Maintenance charges
- Utility charges
- Sub letting policy/provision if any
- Renewal of lease agreement policy
Outside the Apartment
These are some points that you might want to consider about the location of the apartment before moving in.
- How far it is from your workplace, if you drive to work
- If you use public transport, what is the distance from your nearest/most convenient transport pick up point
- The overall appearance of the apartment building
- Lighting outside the building during nighttime
- Parking facility for cars and bikes
- Provision and maintenance of garbage disposal chutes
- The level of noise during the day and night
- If you have kids, proximity to their school
- Parks and playgrounds in the area
- Distance from the nearest supermarket/provision store
- Safe fire exit/escape route
- Access to the terrace
- Entry to the building – screened/gated/buzzered
- Elevators and/or stairs facility
- Closeness to the post office and bank
- Presence of at least one ATM in the neighborhood
Inside the Apartment
Check these on the inside of the apartment before deciding on moving into it.
- Total area
- Number of rooms
- Number of bathrooms
- Water supply ad pressure
- Electricity
- Walls – soundproof or not
- Balcony – yes or no. If yes, how many
- Locks on all doors and windows
- Kitchen appliances like microwave, stove, dishwasher, refrigerator, etc.
- Size of counter
- Furnace type
- Furniture in the house, check how old it is
- Closet space
- Number and positioning of electrical sockets
- Laundry facilities – within the apartment or a common washer and dryer facility
- Smoke alarms
- Rods for curtains/blinds at windows
- Direction and availability of natural light through windows
- View from windows
- Paint condition
- Flooring – carpeted or not
- Ceiling – not leaking
- Creaking of doors – rooms, bathrooms, and cabinets
- Air conditioner facility
- Heater facility
- Provision for phone connection in each room
- Viability for high-speed Internet connection
- Fireplace
- Cable connection
- No insect or rodent infestation
- Services like pest control, plumbing, carpentry, painting, emergency repair on electrical appliances etc., available with the landlord
- If not, numbers and addresses of nearest providers of the above mentioned services
- Wheelchair access to the building
- Can the balcony be used for gardening
- Mailbox security
- Building security – cameras in elevators and hallways
- Nearest common swimming pool
- Gym and other fitness equipment facilities
- Lighting in the hallways
- Overall cleanliness of the building
- Policy about keeping pets
- Presence of an on-site landlord at all times
This was a detailed checklist that you can refer to when you’re going apartment hunting. Make sure you check that all the facilities that the landlord says the apartment has are indeed there. Simple things like smelly cupboards or leaky faucets can put off prospective tenants. So good luck to both of you. Happy house hunting!