With the economy in such a dire state, cutting coupons has become an important way to save money. Extreme couponing takes this necessity to the next level.
Extreme couponing is not only a strategy that people use to save a lot of money at the store, but it is also a show on the TLC network. With more and more people losing their jobs in this economy, people are trying desperately to find ways to spend less money on what their family needs. Clipping coupons has been a long-time activity for people who are looking to save a little bit of money, but extreme couponing is a new way to look at this pastime. Extreme couponers are often so good at clipping coupons and finding deals that they leave stores having spent little to nothing on what they have bought.
What is Extreme Couponing?
The term “extreme couponing” was first introduced to America in March 2010 when The Wall Street Journal ran an article on the phenomenon titled “Hard Times Turn Coupon Clipping Into the Newest Extreme Sport.” Shortly thereafter, ABC Nightline ran a show on the concept titled “Extreme Couponing Competition: How Far Can $50 Go?” In December 2010, TLC premiered its show, Extreme Couponing.
The concept of extreme couponing is just as it sounds. People combine coupon clipping with extreme shopping savvy to get all the best deals possible with the goal to save as much money as they can. This can be very helpful to people who need extra money in the recession, and the people who do this, have a lot of great tips for people who want to learn how to shop better, and shop smarter.
The TV Show
Extreme Couponing first premiered on the TLC network in December of 2010. The focus of the show is on people who do extreme couponing almost as if it were a job. In some instances, it is a job. When one person in the family is staying at home full-time, extreme couponing takes up a lot of their time, and also helps add income to, or rather keep income in, their family budget.
On several of these shows, we see the shoppers going to the grocery store and taking home cartfuls of food items for a minimal total or, in some cases, with getting money back. While it is easy to look at this and think it cannot be true, this is a practice that many people take part in. If you have the time to devote to it, you too, can save incredible amounts of money for your family.
How to Make it Work for You
While it might seem impossible, you can definitely make extreme couponing work for you. If you don’t have the time to do the full extreme couponing, you can always take a few tips to help you save a little money here and there. There are many websites that offer tutorials online for extreme couponing. There are also a few sites that compile all the coupons and deals that are out there to help you do your shopping.
There are even sites that allow you to create a grocery list and sort it by where you can get the best deal on each of the items on your list. If you are willing to spend a little time with it, this can save you quite a bit of money. Of course, the time you spend on it has to be worth the money you find yourself saving. Extreme couponing isn’t for everyone. Even clipping coupons takes a lot of time and can be very stressful. However, taking a few tips from extreme couponers can definitely add up.