These wood eaters are known to cause havoc with your prized pieces of furniture. But you don’t need to empty your purse in order to get rid of them, and this is how you do it.
Termites have every detestable quality you can imagine. They’ve survived evolutionary disasters, they multiply at the speed of light and they’re invincible. In short, they’re pretty much on top of their destructive game.
More often than not, getting rid of termites involves a lot of money, and honestly, who would want to spend on these awful little pests? Preventing termite infestation is an appreciable option, as it goes soft on the amount of money you need to spend to get rid of them later. Yes, as with all things cheap, this does demand some effort, but it rewards you with a termite-free home for sure.
Know Termites for No Termites
Preventive measures call for a deeper inspection of termite behavior. Disgusting as it may sound, this is the best way to begin. A little observation will tell you that these pests are extremely predictable, and the best way to conquer them would be to stay one step ahead always.
» Drywood termite is one breed that happily resides in our furniture, unlike other termites, which thrive in moist conditions.
» In any case, furniture must be kept moisture-free, to discourage an infestation.
» When termites rise to the surface in search of food, they create these mini mud tunnels that are quite visible.
» Cellulose is the substance that termites feed on, which is found primarily in wood, and also in paper, cotton, cardboard and fiberboards.
» Detecting them during spring season is easy, as it is their mating season, and the winged males are often seen near light sources.
» They often go undetected when they attack your furniture; so look out for traces of powdered wood around your furniture, which indicates the presence of termites.
Preventive Measures for Termite-free Furniture
Decoding termite behavior will help you ban their entry into your home. You need to follow these simple tips to ensure that they don’t bug your furniture as well.
» Moisture is the number one enemy of your furniture, and the termite’s best friend. Be careful with your wooden furniture during the monsoon, and never leave your furniture soggy.
» Don’t invite trouble by handing them their food on a platter. Wet floors are conducive to termites infesting your furniture.
» Dehumidifiers will ensure that your rooms remain dry and your furniture does not become a breeding ground for termites.
» Choose furniture which is borate-treated and made with pressurized wood, as it is termite-resistant.
» Subject your furniture to periodic checks and give it an appropriate pesticide treatment regularly, even if you don’t spot the little pests. Remember, they are very good at concealing themselves.
» For those living in houses that have lawns, keeping your garden free of excess moisture will restrict the entry of termites into your home.
» Cross ventilation allows air circulation and reduces moisture, thus keeping the termites away.
» Make use of weather-sealing solutions, which are applied over the cracks that appear in your furniture, as well as your window and door frames as termites will happily house themselves here.
» As with your furniture, pay attention to all the nooks and crannies in your home, which can potentially serve as an entryway for termites, and spray insecticide there, before you seal them.
» Antique furniture must be handled with care, as a spray of pesticide could harm it. Do consult an exterminator for a professional solution.
» Cedar, redwood and pressure treated wood are termite-resistant to a great degree, and so is teakwood.
Treatments for Termite-free Furniture
»In case you spot an infestation in your furniture, a localized treatment will be recommended after the exterminator ensures that the rest of the house is termite-free. Pouring liquid pesticide through holes drilled in your furniture is one method.
» Silica gel is another option which can be injected in small doses to plug the termite passages and seal them.
» Aerosols are effective too; they can be sprayed over the infested area. Following this treatment, the holes are to be sealed with a solution.
Detecting termites before they’ve inflicted full-throttled damage is half the battle won. Make sure you call your pest control company if you are unable to assess the extent of the damage. Spotting termites in your furniture may not be easy; but once you do, immediate action must be taken.