Run out of shoe polish? Looking for alternatives to shoe polish? The answer to your shoe shine needs lies in items that are easily found in the comfort of your own home.
Did You Know?
The first, waxy “shoe polish” was made of tallow, oil, wax, and soda ash, and was used to waterproof and soften leather, not impart shine. The shine was added to the polish in the 18th century.
Way back in school, I remember the early morning rush to complete the last-minute things that I’d put off doing the previous night because of my laziness. Polishing shoes was one of the last things I’d do before dashing out for school. And when I discovered in the morning that I was out of polish, that would go for a toss, earning me four rounds on the school ground track, with the sun beating down on me.
Eventually, I discovered a few alternatives to the good ol’ shoe polish, and I’ll tell you what they are so that the next time you find yourself out of polish, you don’t have to pull out your hair. Next time you’re out of shoe polish, run into your kitchen and you will invariably find something that you can use as an alternative to shoe polish.
Shoe Polish Alternatives from the Kitchen
Olive oil is an excellent alternative to shoe polish. Just spray a little on your shoes, leave it on for a couple of minutes, buff them with a soft cloth and you are good to go. Squeeze a few drops of lemon in it to get that extra shine.
These are other reliable options for polishing your shoes. You can directly apply them on your shoes and rub them in with a soft rag, and then buff some more with a soft cloth to get your shoes to shine.
Try using the peel of a banana to get your perfect shine. Rub the inside of the banana peel on to your shoes, then clean it with a tissue or a soft cloth. Buff it, and your shoes will shine.
Yes, and who would’ve thought? Dab some rubbing alcohol onto your shoes and wipe it with a cotton ball, making small circles with the cotton. Then buff with the soft rag, to see your reflection in your shoes (a slight exaggeration, of course, but they will be SHINY)!
This mixture in the ratio 2 parts to 1, will not only give your shoes the shine, but will also help in keeping the leather supple. Try it on a small patch first, though.
Any kind of oil works well to shine leather shoes, and this is no exception. Dab a little with cotton on the shoes and rub it in. Then buff to get the shine.
Shoe Polish Alternatives from the Vanity Box
Beeswax is a tried and tested method for polishing shoes. Heat the wax till it is suitably soft and then apply it on the shoes. Rub with a soft cloth and buff, to get them shining like new. The wax also keeps the leather conditioned, unlike liquid polish.
Just a small amount of hair gel applied to the leather will give you enough shine. Apply a little and then rub with a soft cloth/rag, and you have your shiny shoes.
Do you have half used lip balms in your vanity kit? Don’t throw them away. Apply a little on you leather shoes, rub it in with a soft cloth, buff with a rag, and just like they helped your lips, they will help your shoes to shine too!
Apply a dab of lotion on your shoes and rub it in with a wad of cotton. Buff it with a soft cloth and you can get your shoes to shine.
Petroleum jelly can give your shoes a brilliant shine, but it is being debated whether petroleum jelly is actually good or harmful for leather. Try it on a pair of old leather shoes, before you try it on a brand new pair.
Shoe Polish Alternatives from Your Garden
If you have a hibiscus plant in your balcony or garden, excellent! This flower can be used as a natural alternative for shoe polish. Just rub the flower onto the shoe and then clean it off with a cloth. Buff with a rag to get your shoes to shine.
Oregano leaves contain essential oils that are good for treating leather, since they contain anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agents, which makes them an excellent alternative for shoe polish. Though this is pretty uncommon, it’s worth trying!
Shoe Polish Alternatives from Household Products
Any non toxic permanent marker will restore the color of your leather, and give it a little shine. Although it is more for the color than the shine.
In case of white leather this works quite well.
Rub in a little toothpaste with a soft brush, and then buff with a rag to make it shine.
Make a solution with soap and warm water (use only saddle soap, or one with a neutral pH value), or even a liquid detergent and warm water, and rub your shoes clean with a sponge dipped (and wrung out), in warm water.
Taking good care of your leather shoes is a must if you want them to last long and last well. And once you know how to clean leather shoes, it won’t be such a hassle, so you don’t have to think twice before buying those sexy shoes that have caught your fancy.